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Sunday, October 12, 2014

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The Rock and Triple H... One Last Time.

Wrestlemania 28, Triple H, HBK, and The Undertaker put on a classic Hell in a Cell match and in my opinion, one of the greatest storytelling displays ever. I'll never forget jumping out of my seat when The Undertaker kicked out of the Sweet Chin Music/Pedigree combo that I was sure was gonna end the streak. The match was rightfully so billed “The End of an Era” Match, a final chapter in the WM 25-28 Saga that involved all 3 Superstars.

However, due to HBK's involvement in 3 of those 4 matches, I could look at that 4 match stretch as more of a end to the HBK/Taker rivalry as the buildup to 28 focused on whether or not Triple H was better than Shawn after Taker raised that question....but what about Triple H?

Enter...The Rock. On Friday's episode of Smackdown, he and Triple H engaged in an absolutely brilliant promo where the both of them went back and forth about who would win in one last Wrestlemania match. I hadn't even thought of wanting to see Trips and Rock in a match again until that promo. It made me want to see that buildup and all that came with it. It also made me think that this should be the match that the two of them should end their careers on. Much is made of the Stone Cold/Rock rivalry and it should be, it's one of the greatest rivalries ever and gave us 3 classic Wrestlemania matches and multiple memorable moments between them. But when I think of a true career ending moment for The Rock and Triple H, the only match that makes sense is the two of them, one last time.

Their careers have basically paralleled each other and at every major turn, one was fighting the other. From the great IC Title Ladder Match they had and subsequent battles for the belt afterward, to Rock taking over the Nation of Domination and Trips forming DX, to both men fighting over the WWE Championship, whenever one made that next step the other moved right with him.

This rivalry extends outside of the ring as well, Triple H found success working as the COO of WWE and The Rock has made his own name in Hollywood. HHH has even said that he sees The Rock tweeting about getting up at 4 AM and working out thinking to himself  “that son of a bitch, I can do that too”. They still have that professional rivalry with each other born out of the respect they have for one another having basically come up together. Stone Cold might have been The Rock's biggest rival, but I've always felt that Triple H was Rock's true rival. The buildup for one last match at Wrestlemania is pretty much set with their history and with Rock sounding like himself the last two promos, I'd love to see them go at it on the mic.

With the history these two men have, it's only right that they end their careers finally going one on one at Wrestlemania. I wasn't too keen on it before, but after seeing that they still had the chemistry to cut a great promo together, I’m anxious to see them both go at it in what would be a true End of and Era for the both of them.

Be sure to follow the site  @Eyesonthering and follow me @peagle05.


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