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Friday, March 30, 2018

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Eyes On Wrestlemania: Classic Moments At Wrestlemania Part 1

By @Phranchize19

Wrestlemania has more often than not been good to us (for the most part, maybe...). We are always blessed with moments that will forever be etched in the history of pro wrestling. Let’s take a look at the bigger and best Mania moments in history. These are moments 10-5, I'll be back with the final four in another article.

10. Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit at Wrestlemania 20

-Eddie Guerrero had his pseudo Wrestlemania moment prior to Mania by defeating Brock Lesnar for the WWE title. He would be tasked with defending that title against Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania. Chris Benoit won the Royal Rumble and jumped to Raw, and he then ended up in a title match with Triple H and Shawn Michaels. Both Eddie and Benoit would win their respective matches and after traveling the world over together in Japan, Mexico, and WCW, they both FINALLY achieved the pinnacle of WWE on the biggest stage wrestling had to offer. It was a moment that was a heart wrencher and will be etched in our minds forever.

9. Macho Man and Elizabeth Reunite At Wrestlemania 7

-Macho and Elizabeth had a tumultuous relationship to say the least. At Wrestlemania 5, we saw them finally go their separate ways. Macho would get with Sensational Sherri while Elizabeth sort of played the background. Elizabeth would then be ringside for Macho Man’s retirement match against Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania 7. Ultimately, Macho would lose the match and then be attacked by Sensational Sherri. Elizabeth would then get involved and stop the assault. Macho, not realizing what had happened, finally caught wind of what had just transpired. He would eventually fall into the open arms of Elizabeth and they would embrace. Macho would lift Elizabeth on his shoulders while the crowd shed tears of joy. In true Elizabeth fashion, she would open the ropes for her man to go through and in a surprise turn of events, Macho would make her get up then lift the ropes for her. A true moment that tugs on the heart strings of everyone.
8. Shawn Michaels Finally Wins The Big One at Wrestlemania 12

-Shawn Michaels had achieved a victory at the Royal Rumble, which guaranteed him a shot at the title in the main event of Wrestlemania. His opponent? Arguably the greatest wrestler ever in Bret Hart. The stipulations would change as these men would now be required to engage in an iron man match. The two men would go back and forth for over an hour in a classic. The match would end with neither man scoring points and since we needed a winner, the match went to sudden death. Shawn Michaels would kick down the door of opportunity (pun intended) and hit Bret with Sweet Chin Music to win his first WWE championship. The words uttered by Vince as an emotional Shawn Michaels celebrated will never be forgotten. “The boyhood dream has come true for Shawn Michaels” is still an epic Wrestlemania quote.

7. The Rock, Stone Cold, and Hulk Hogan All Share The Ring at Wrestlemania 30

-A moment born not out of a match, but just the power of sheer icons. One of the greatest moments ever opened this show. Hogan was hosting Wrestlemania 30 and he would come down and infamously call the Superdome the wrong name (he called it the Silverdome, making a great save by saying he was thinking of the Wrestlemania 3 match he had) and then was interrupted by Stone Cold. Stone Cold would talk about what Hogan did for wrestling until a returning Rock entered the ring and gave props to both men. It all ended with all 3 men sharing beers in a moment that I myself (being there live) will never forget.

6. Shawn Michaels Career Is Laid To Rest At Wrestlemania 26

-At Wrestlemania 25, the greatest wrestling match of all time took place between the two most known Wrestlemania figures. Undertaker and Shawn would wage battle with the Undertaker coming out victorious. Shawn Michaels would hold onto the anguish of him losing to Undertaker for over a year. Shawn would challenge Taker time and time again with Taker declining. Shawn would cost the Undertaker the World Title and challenge Taker once more and Taker would accept only this time if Shawn’s career would be on the line. Shawn would oblige and they met in the main event. After waging war, Shawn would again lose. Shawn would be brought to his feet and he and Undertaker would embrace. Undertaker would then give Shawn the ring and Shawn would take in all the adoration from the fans in the arena and those watching. Shawn would make his famed exit and as he walked up the ramp we all knew Shawn Michaels had left the building.

5. End of An Era at Wrestlemania 28

-Triple H and Undertaker had the match of the night at Wrestlemania 28. Out to not only avenge the honor of his fallen friend Shawn Michaels, but to make history, Triple H had nearly destroyed Undertaker at Wrestlemania 27, and even though Taker emerged victorious, he would be carted out. Much like Shawn Michaels the year prior, Undertaker would hold onto this for a year and Triple H would refuse until he had enough and accepted the challenge. Shawn Michaels would be named as the referee and many assumed Triple H was assured the win. Taker would emerge victorious, but he helped a fallen Triple H to his feet. As the three men walked out, they turned around and embraced while the crowd cheered on the three legends riding into the sunset.



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